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What is the key to success?

I heard once that nothing in life that is worth learning can be taught.


We share with our students the experience we have gained over years of extensive training and we strive to inspire them to be the best dancers they can be. However, tango is a journey that you have to take alone and take full responsibility for. Your experience is measured not by the years you have danced, but by the miles you have covered on the dance floor. Nothing beats quality practice. Never miss a chance to dance. Go to every milonga, every practica, every opportunity that is available to you. Practice often and with patience.


An extremely deep knowledge of the tango music is a must. Being intimate with music of all kinds will help your musical interpretation tremendously.


And expensive as it may be, traveling is a great way to explore new places, and new embraces. Every new city you go, make sure to check out the tango scene. Tango is going through its own Renaissance, so you would be surprised at how many small cities have its own thriving community.


Engaging in other physical activities such as tai chi, yoga, modern dance will improve your core strength, balance and add to the fluidity of your movement.


And to become a good dancer, you have to be a good friend. People will seek you as a dance partner, not merely for your skills as a tanguero, but also for your pleasant company. A good sense of humor and an open mind go a long way. Always keep in mind that noone owes anyone a dance, but rather it is a privilege and make sure to show your dance partners your appreciation.


Most importantly, learning to tango may be one of the most memorable experiences you will ever have, so remember to not take yourself too seriously and have fun.

Do I need a partner?

It is not a pre-requisite. That being said, bringing a partner with you helps us maintain the gender balance in class and you get to have a practice partner, who attended the same class and learnt the same things as you did.

What should I wear?

Whatever makes you feel like a dancer! It is important to be comfortable and also feel good about your appearance. Especially in tango! Shoes should have suede or leather bottoms.

Jazz, ballet and modern sneakers make for great practice shoes.

Which class is for me?

Unless you are a tango star, you should come to the first class. Having taken a beginner class before is not a good excuse to skip the introductory course. This is where we build a strong foundation and improve our posture, balance and presence in the dance. Without a solid background, the intermediate class will be frustrating for you and possibly for your partners. If you are not sure about your level, ask us.

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